Saturday 18 April 2015

GlamGlow Thirsty Mud


Hi all,

Happy Saturday ! :) It is such a beautiful day here in Donegal, I am loving the fact I can wear a sleeveless top to work today! I am back with another GlamGlow review, and that is the Thirsty Mud Hydrating Treatment. This is a little bit different to the rest of the products I have reviewed and if you read on you will find out why.

It is designed to deliver instant hydration and unlike the masks, you can decide whether you want to leave the treatment on or wash it off. I thought I would put it to the test by keeping it on and I am very glad I did. It left thee most amazing glow under my make-up and more importantly it lasted even longer during the day. I probably looked really vain checking myself out in the mirror every so often haha, but I wanted to see if it was actually working. Now you could wash it off if you wanted to, and I did that at night time so I felt really fresh heading to bed and I knew that my face was squeaky clean and felt really supple. 

It can be used on the face, neck and chest and the smell of it is so good!! Nearly like a suncream actually but only better. It is sort of coco nutty and excuse the pun, but a really hydrating scent. Obviously because it wasn't a mask, your face doesn't feel tight at all if you decide to leave it on for a few minutes. When you first apply it, there is a very refreshing feeling to your face, and I love knowing that I have a good base before I apply my make-up.

What I personally love about it is the fact in can be used during the day/night/whenever you please. You could pop it in your handbag and even use it as a refresher for the days when you aren't wearing make-up. I don't know if I would suggest just popping one of the masks on whilst doing the grocery shopping, but hey if you have the confidence why not haha!

I said that I would leave my favourite product until very last to review, but that has now changed as I didn't expect to like the Hydrating Treatment as much as I did. The link is below if you would like any more info or to purchase it and the final review will be coming on Monday so you can keep an eye out for that! :) That's all the chat from me for today, I am now off to work and once 7pm hits, I am free until Tuesday whoohoo!

Enjoy the weekend,



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