It's that time of the year when I like to see where I am with the goals I set out to achieve and also reflect on the past few months. With that in mind, I thought it would be fitting to write a post in this style as it's something I have never done before. Perhaps some of you can relate to what I have mentioned and if so, feel free to comment below.
- What you allow is what will continue
- Silence is golden
Whether it's being alone in the house for an hour or taking a walk along the shore, sometimes your own company is the best company

- There is power in a good nights sleep
Recently I cannot stay awake past 9pm or sleep in past 9am and have found it's worked wonders for my productivity

- What you put out into the world, you get back
- Appreciate the little things in life
You will look back and realise they were in fact the big things

- Everyone has days when they don't want to get out of bed
- Laughing until you cry is one of the best feelings
- A mistake is just a lesson learned
Everyone makes mistakes, we're only human. The key is to take the positive from every situation

- Time is precious so everything will happen for a reason
- If you really want something, you'll find a way - if not you'll find an excuse

- Time out from social media is liberating
- Age is only a number
I really struggled with the idea of turning 25 - the only way I could see it was that I am half way to 50 and I guess I panicked. I am now out of that phase thankfully (it took a long time I'll not lie) and I've realised that it is pointless putting a time limit on everything. You just have to do what you can when you can and live every day to the absolute max!

- When things feel like they're falling apart, in reality, they're falling into place
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