Hi everyone!
Happy Monday. I've made it no secret that I am a tan fanatic and what I am showing you in today's post is my newest life saver - a tanning mitt specifically for your back!

When the lovely gals at Bronzie over in the UK got in touch to see if I would like to try out their mitt, I immediately said YES PLEASE! I wear tan all year round and we all know that it isn't always possible to have someone around to tan your back. I know some people are great at it and have no problem whatsoever but honestly, I am terrible! It always ends up so streaky and I break my back trying to reach all angles.

I always thought to myself that it would be revolutionary if someone were to bring out a back tanning mitt and voila! My prayers were answered. The mitt itself has a very soft, velvety feel to it and in hindsight they just look like oven gloves! I found it very easy to use and now I don't have to worry about being stranded on nights out if I want to wear anything backless! It really is the simple things in life haha.
At €20 it does seem a little expensive for a mitt but now that I have tried it I would have no problem re-purchasing and if you think on all the times there was no one around to tan your back and you really wanted to wear a specific item of clothing, it is definitely worth it! Not only is it for your back but also the backs of your legs which can sometimes be tricky to get at. You can purchase yours at www.bronzieuk.com

If you would like to see the mitt in action via a video clip you can do so via their Facebook page which you can find HERE and I hope you all love it as much as I do. Let me know if you purchase via snapchat/twitter @thefashionchair.
Until next time,
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