I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was spent working on my TEFL course that I am currently doing. For those that might not be familiar with the term, it stands for "Teaching English as a foreign language" and I am nearly there thanks be to God! I am looking forward to having it done and dusted but it will be a great feeling all the same to have the qualification under my belt.
Today I thought I would share some of my favourite quotes. I think we all secretly love them and considering there are 100's on pinterest/instagram etc I wanted to narrow it down to the ones I always turn to when I am feeling lost or frustrated with a situation.
For the past few weeks I feel like I have been running around in circles but getting no where. Does anyone ever get like this? It feels like you are chasing a goal that is unattainable but in reality it makes you realise just how hard everyone has worked to get to the top. Whether it be a fitness, career or life goal I think you need to remember that if it were easy everyone would be doing it. I find quotes somewhat therapeutic and when I read over my favourites I snap back into reality and tell myself to get on with it. We will all get there eventually, it just takes the 3 p's - persistence, patience and perseverance.
I always screenshot the quotes that I like and keep them in a folder on my phone (sounds very organised I know haha) but it's a great way of having them in the one place and I am a bit of a neat freak when it comes to things like that! Below you will find my favourite words of wisdom so feel free to copy and paste into your own little folder for days when you might need that extra bit of motivation!
I would love to know what your favourite quotes are so make sure to comment below or tweet me @thefashionchair.
Until next time,
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